37Games Entertainment
Game Overview
A free to play 2D medieval fantasy browser-based MMORTS.
Siegelord is a free to play 2D medieval fantasy browser-based MMORTS, players compete with other players by expanding the cities they initially start the game with into vast empires. Published by 37 Games Entertainment, the RTS game is a mix of strategy and civilization building. To generate resources, you must construct certain buildings on the land you currently have available to prepare for real-time battles with other players. The battles are simple and somewhat automated. However, you will need to ensure your settlement is prepared well enough to offer the support you’ll need during combat in the form of resources, equipment and troop-enhancing technologies. Siegelord is set in a medieval fantasy world where three opposing empires, the Albion, Nords Alliance and the Empire of Gorm, fight for territorial domination. Players must choose a faction to fight for, and recruit and equip generals to offer support to your troops in battle. Generals are unlocked throughout the game and offer skills and equipment. You can play through the single-player campaign, or fight other players for territorial control. While battling other players, you must choose the proper formation for your troops (assault, attack or defense) to seize victory. Stay frosty, as the borders of the land of Theiden shift perpetually as players conquer new territory.
Game Infos
Platform: Web Browser
Released: 2014-12-19
Genre: Strategy
Status: Live
Developer: 37Games Entertainment